Fraps – why do you hate me?

OK so basically im trying to get my fraps to record my LoL but for some reason it starts good quality/framrate but then just drops to 15/20 fps and they bloody video looks terrible!

I don’t know why it is doing this but I cant get it to work 😦 and since I can’t get it to work I can’t record matches and footage 😦 god dam it!

but I will prevail and hopefully by the end of today I can record a full game 🙂


Shaco Dominion Guide

Hey guys created a guide on for a Shaco AP guide for League of Legends

This is my strategy to making sure ur Shaco is a real Pain in the Jack-in-the-Box 😛


Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to the CullenGamesInc (CGI) blog!

My name is Tom aka Deathmuffins in most of the games I play (which isn’t alot atm but will be picking up soon!)

First off I would like to start by thanking you for joining me on my journey of gaming wonderment! Means alot, really, honestly it does…… I mean it…… fine don’t believe me -.- lol (off the beaten track already O.o)

Anyways I’m rambling on now so I will get straight to business 😀

Got a few sites and stuff up and running now for you to check out and sub/follow etc

My Twitter (I will post alot on there hopefully :P)

My Youtube (video posts will be done here ofcourse)

Mobafire Profile (see what guides and builds for League of Legends champions I produce here)

If you need to message me or get in contact with me sub on youtube and leave me a message or follow me on twitter and I will follow back 🙂 then you can DM me all you like.

I will over time accumulate more URLs etc. but till then there are the main bits I will be posting on (I do plan on making a livestream/blogtv/ but need to do some more research as to which is better lol)

Anywho I’ve mumbled on too much now so I will commence posting on here and twitter asap (possibly tomorrow :P)
